Saturday, August 2, 2014


 August 2014.



Dear Book  Lovers,



OK!  Pour yourself a glass of sherry and fall into your favorite overstuffed sofa.



We are nearing the 100th anniversary of the onset of World War One and you need to be brought up to speed again. To show off your knowledge of the Great War, it’s time to renew your acquaintance with Tsar Nicholas II, King George V, Emperor Franz Josef, and Kaiser Wilhelm II. You have probably struggled through “War and Peace” by Tolstoy. My novel spans 100 years and brings readers into the 20th Century.


Fortunately, my book provides you with a host of sentiments from rage to tears. Sadly, our ancestors suffered terribly during the four year war. Oh, there is plenty of passion, laughter and idiocy to make your reading evenings most pleasant. As a counseling psychologist, I have used the technique of “reading between the lines.” Truth comes in many forms.


Be the first on your block to speak a bit of French, German, Russian, and Dutch. So clean your eye glasses and get to reading!


My novel is titled “In the Service of God and Evil; a Psychological Study of the Rise and Fall of Kaiser Wilhelm II.” The topic has NEVER BEEN DETAILED before in book form. It is listed with Amazon and Barnes & Noble books. Search under books: Donald Britton Conrad. You have a choice of Nook or Kindle or the two volume novel.


Happy reading! And watch the Sherry!


Who is Donald Britton Conrad? He has been a member of the Great War Society since 1994. He has a Bachelor of Science in Social Science, Master of Arts in History, Master of Science in Counseling Psychology, and is a Fellow of the British Gemmological Society (ret). He published Psychology of Wartime Photographic Propaganda, Location of American Military Monuments WWI & WWII, The Location of American Military Camps and Forts, The Battle for Corn Willy Hill 79th Division, and 16 weekly stories about Yanks in France. He is an Honorary Member of American Veterans of World War I.  He served in the Army during the Korean Conflict. He is an active member of the American Legion.


Born 10 years after the Armistice, Conrad knew many “Doughboys” and heard their stories. He has four paintings hung in the American Legion Post 3, Military Museum, 430 North Main Street, Greenville, S. C. 29601-2027: Generals Pershing, Foch, and Haig, and a major battle scene. He has set up several library exhibits on Americans forces in France.


He is on Twitter and publishes a detailed blog of WWI.



Thank you for reading a bit of my braggadocio.



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