Wednesday, November 26, 2014

# 41



Enemy Alliances Plot.

Reading between the Lines from Donald Britton Conrad's book: Kaiser Wilhelm: In the Service of  God and Evil.



Gossiping while they swept clean their porches, three middle-aged women garbed in smocks and kerchiefs greeted the early morning sun. A light breeze furled and unfurled the Union Jack high on the Boer War Memorial pole.


They put down their brooms when they observed a number of black limousines drive up and park across the street in front of the Red Lion Inn. Men in black suits and derbies surrounded the automobiles while the passengers emerged and quickly entered the Inn. The empty vehicles roared off, their drivers in search of a secluded place in which to park.


“Gawd,” exclaimed one woman, “It looks like an invasion of those creatures I saw in the cinema last week. Nellie, what was that flick called? Oh, yes, ‘War of the Worlds!’ ”


“Yes, Flo,” agreed her neighbor, “but they look more like those awful German spies we see in the comic strips!”


The third woman laughed and declared that the Inn would make more money today than they had made in a month!

A tall, heavily mustached man met the guests at the inn entrance. Clad in foxhunting uniform complete with a bright red coat, white pants and black boots he looked out of place.

“Good morning, Gentlemen! Welcome to the Red Lion Inn. I am William McMetz, concierge, at your service. The Inn is without guests for the entire day in order to provide you with complete secrecy. The government has provided security men throughout the building. Please follow me to our comfortable meeting room, especially arranged for your group.”


McMetz led the way inside a high-ceilinged room with spacious Georgian windows, wide wooden floors and colored walls whose richness had mellowed over the years.


Once inside the meeting room the group broke up into twos and threes. The military figures retained their ramrod stiffness. Jocularity among them created a sort of esprit de corps.

Other guests appeared more casual and chatted quietly.


Unexpectedly, the double doors leading to the meeting room were open by the efforts of the red-coated concierge. Two tall, middle-aged men entered and immediately began shaking hands with the visitors. Most of the conversation was in English, spattered with a sentence or two in French.


Without waiting for instructions, each man found a chair and sat around a dark oak, oblong table made up of individual tables pushed together. It was bare except for a covering of gray felt cloth.

The two latecomers took seats at each end of the table. One of them, a tall, gaunt, clean-shaven middle-aged man called the group to order. He wore thick, blue tinted spectacles. His pale face expressed both kindness and deep sincerity that might easily remove any fear of him by onlookers.

Every member recognized him as chairperson and immediately quieted down.

“A very good morning to this distinguished group! The Prime Minister has asked me as Foreign Secretary of Great Britain, to convene this meeting to discuss a practical plan that would meet potential German aggression in Europe. This is a time that tries men’s minds. I ask that you be brutally frank in your thoughts and considerations. Today, we are fortunate to have with us Horatio Kitchener and John French of Great Britain, Joseph Joffre of France, Pavel Rennenkampf of Russia, and his Majesty, King Albert of Belgium. From the British Fleet, we have Admiral Jellicoe. Admiral de Lapeyrere represents the French Fleet.”


Again, the double doors swung open and a short, stocky, middle-aged man strode into the room.


“Pardon my lateness gentlemen, but I was involved in the christening ceremony of the latest addition to the British maritime fleet, His Majesty’s Ship, the Britannic, sister ship to the unfortunate Titanic.”

"You are excused, Admiral Jackie Fisher,” laughed the Secretary.

One member stood up and said, “On behalf of this group, allow me to welcome you Secretary Edward Grey and to thank you for your confidence in us.”


“Thank you,” he replied through a tightly pinched mouth.


A giant of a man raised his hand to gain the Secretary’s attention.


“Yes, General Kitchener, what is your question?”


“Thank you, Edward Grey! If it is at all possible, I prefer that our discussions are limited to English or French. I notice that you have assigned a recorder to take notes. Therefore, I assume that this meeting is entirely secret, especially since you ordered all of us to wear these damned civilian clothes!”


A tittering brought a smile to Edward’s face. He said, “Thanks ‘H.’ This meeting is strictly secret. Need I say top secret? My companion today who will take notes for me is Lieutenant Bernard Montgomery. He graduated at the top of his class at Sandhurst and I believe that he has a great future ahead of him.”

“I think that this meeting is acceptable to all. However, remember we are, for all practical purposes, merely having conversations. I underline the word conversations because what we decide today will have important consequences for the future of our nations. It must never be made public that our Triple Entente ever involved itself in this type of meeting.”


Kitchener ejaculated in a tone that sent a laugh around the table. “We know the real reason you brought the bright, young lieutenant. He probably knows how to spell!”

Montgomery also laughed at Kitchener’s inanity.

“By the way,” continued Grey, “Bernard’s family resided in Tasmania for some twenty years. His father is an Anglican bishop. I thank you Bernard for assisting me today.”

Then the Secretary indicated, with palm up, that His Majesty King Albert was with the group as a participant. “Your Majesty, would you care to say a few introductory words?”


Standing up, the tall, handsome, young monarch said, “Thank you, Edward. Gentlemen, whatever conclusions we reach today will assuredly affect the history of Europe! Let us put on our best thinking caps. God forbid, one mistake could cost us, not only our lives, but also our beloved countries! With your permission, I would like to delay my ideas until the guest speaker has concluded his remarks.”

Grey said, “Certainly, Your Majesty.”

The King sat down and folded his arms, satisfied with his decision.

The Secretary announced, “Professor Publius Decaisne is with us today. With the deductive ability of a Sherlock Holmes, the Professor has studied the German danger to Europe. I met with the Publius on several occasions in which he shared with me his diagnosis of the German military plans that if allowed to occur could lead to war.”

“Publius is a graduate of the Free School of Political Science in Paris. Since the turn of the century, he endeavored through his writings to draw the attention of the public to the immense danger that Germany presents by its so-called ‘Plan of German Expansion.’ In order to explain its constituent elements, direct and indirect of the nefarious plan, he lectured widely reaching more than one hundred and fifty cities and towns. Please give him your undivided attention.”

“Professor, Decaisne, the floor is yours.”


The professor, a small, elderly man whose gray hair was in disarray, strode up to an oak lectern upon which he carefully placed his notepapers. He spoke fluent English sprinkled with an occasional French phrase whenever he wished to emphasize a point.


“Merci beaucoup, Monsieur le Secrétaire! I am delighted to be here among such an august group who I believe is deeply interested in keeping peace in Europe.”


“Since this meeting is limited in time, allow me to give you the gist of my findings. Details, of course, are found in my numerous books and pamphlets that I wrote over the past ten years.”


“What is the plan of German expansion? The Germans contend not only that all those who are generally designated German by the rest of the world should be united but brought into the German fold.”


“The object of the German Government is to effect the whole or partial Germanization of countries inhabited by races that are not of German stock. In fact, I claim that the object of German expansion is to disregard all questions of racial and linguistic affinity and to absorb huge tracts of country, the possession of which is useful to advance Hohenzollern interests. In other words, Germany wishes to establish a world system whose leading and immediate feature is the creation of an empire stretching from the North Sea to the Persian Gulf!”


“That is a serious charge,” said General Joffre gravely.


“I have attempted by numerous lectures to give people in high places some notion of the peril of German expansion. I have not contented myself with warning my countrymen. I have also preached a cordial understanding between France and England.”


“My lectures attached enormous importance to German expansion as a decisive factor which has arisen in Germany and the Dual Monarchy of Austria-Hungary. It is part of a grand policy to extend the boundaries of both Powers. Please observe the map of Europe that I have placed upon the easel before you.”


“The offset to the German expansion is found in the Triple Entente of France, England and Russia."


“In particular, I feel that the Triple Entente can stymie German aspirations effectively only by encouraging the social and political development of the various Slavic peoples in the Balkan States. Such development has at its essence the interests of France, England and Russia.”


“To be more specific, there is a need for greater cooperation on our parts to parry the dangers of the near future. An obvious one is the building of the Berlin-to-Baghdad railway. I have concluded that from beginning to end, the logical and methodical spirit of Germany has gotten the better of your Triple Entente.”


Edward Grey started and looked around at his compatriots. Everyone had a disappointed look on his face.

“From my recent visits to heads of State in the Balkan nations, I constructed a general picture of the situation there. Since the Berlin-to-Baghdad railway will naturally run its tracks through the Balkans, the Triple Entente must reinforce Slavic resistance to any German intrusion through their ancient lands.”


“On the other hand, I consider it highly probable that the governments in Berlin and Vienna will not shrink from war for the purpose of undoing any attempts by the Entente to interfere with their plans to eventually reach the Persian Gulf. Germany wants to find a suitable way to avoid any blockade of the Mediterranean and the Suez Canal by England and France. Since the German navy cannot fight on land, it is, ergo, necessary to build a railroad to achieve important economic and military contacts in the Middle East and Asia. Soon, gentlemen, Germany will have its ‘road to India!’”


“The entire scheme of aggrandizement that the Kaiser has nourished for over twenty years is about to see the light of day. The first consideration obviously is to control the Balkans either by treaty or by force.”


“One might ask how we came to this point in history. Official German diplomats do not prepare such plans. Instead, members of the Alldeutscher Verband, the Pan-German Union and its secret service agents, run the show. Planning of German expansion stemmed from the fertile, but evil, mind of the late Baron Friedrich von Holstein of the German Foreign Office. His fingerprints are found on every document that described Germany’s expansion desires."


The professor stopped his lecture briefly in order to take a sip from a handy glass of water.


“The results of his evil activities,” the Professor continued, “are reported by various agents to Wilhelmstrasse at the offices of the German General Staff! At the same time, the reports reach the Kaiser’s private study, where he sits upon a hobbyhorse to enable himself to store up all technical means necessary for the achievement of his plan of domination.”


“For several years, discontent in the Balkans favored Wilhelm’s aims. Recently events have suddenly raised serious and unexpected obstacles to the execution of the Pan-German plans. Against the will of Berlin, Italy, the third member of the Triple Alliance conquered Libya, a protectorate of Turkey. Remember, gentlemen, Turkey and Germany are defacto allies! Recently, Greece, Montenegro, Servia and Bulgaria united against the Ottoman Empire and defeated the Turkish armies. Not long after, Romania, once a puppet state of Austria broke away. Today, Servia has emerged as an opponent of Germany’s plan to unite all Balkan Powers into a unified entity. But bold Servia, to Germany’s and Austria’s dismay, tends to side more and more with the Triple Entente of England, France and Russia.”


“Turkey, who has suffered many military defeats in recent years, can hardly put a quarter of a million men under arms. Aside from her ally Bulgaria, Turkey could face a million or more troops from Ottoman Empire haters: Servia, Greece, Montenegro and Romania.”


“I feel certain that Germany plans to intervene directly, along with its allies Austria and Italy, somewhere in the Balkans. The most likely battle will begin in Servia. I fear that a World War is rearing its calamitous head in the very near future. However, an ace in-the-hole for the Triple Entente is that millions of Balkan people seek a deliverance from the hateful yoke of Austria-Hungary, piloted by its doddering, old Emperor, Franz Josef. My conclusion is that if Austria-Hungary unleashes the dogs of war, it will lead to the end of the Dual Monarchy because Russia will eat it alive! Only German arms might save her.”


The group murmured their concurrence with the professor’s words.


Secretary Grey asked, “Isn’t it true, however, Monsieur Decaisne that Kaiser Wilhelm frequently tries to show himself friendly toward France? Would the threat of war be avoided if the Triple Entente had accepted the Emperor’s advances for a European Union?”

“Messieurs, it is undeniable that at certain moments, the Kaiser has tried to draw France and Russia into his own orbit, but it is precisely in order to insure the accomplishment of his German plan, which has been his main preoccupation ever since his accession. The smile of the Berlin tempter beguiles France and England. Germany wants to reduce France to a state of absolute slavery as has never been achieved in history, except as the result of a ruinous war. Need I add a warning to Britain? I say Delenda est Germanica!”


 Wiping sweat from his brow, the professor sat down heavily in his chair.

Kitchener stood up while puffing away on his meerschaum pipe. “Pukka Sahib!” he shouted. “A damn fine job Professor!”

“Yes, thank you Professor, for your insightful remarks,” added Edward Grey.


When Professor Decaisne left the conference room, Secretary Grey said with an air of urgency, “Let’s take a pee break, “N’est-ce pas?”

After the men relieved themselves, Generals Joffre, Kitchner and Rennenkampf stood around in the hallway admiring each other’s mustaches.


Kitchener looked at Rennenkampf and said in English, “That is a cracking real cocksucking mustache covering your ugly face!”


Rennenkampf looked confused. “Shto ehta znahchyeet?”


Joffre punched Kitchener in the arm. “He doesn’t understand English.” He turned to the Russian waving his hands in Gallic tradition, “Il a dit que vous est un home merveilleux a cause de votre moustache!”


Rennenkampf brushed the lower part of his mustache with the knuckle of his index finger. Then slowly from his lips emerged a very red tongue. He wiggled it for a moment.


Kitchner laughed. “Why the son-of-a-bitch understands English!”


All three roared their approval.

Kitchener tapped Joffre’s chest. “I wonder what Kaiser Wilhelm would say if he knew we had this meeting?”

The French general laughed. “It certainly won’t be Pokka Sahib!”

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