Monday, May 18, 2015

# 61


Dear World War I Enthusiast:                                  


If you possess a KINDLE, and wish, I will gladly send you and your friends a FREE COPY of my E-book novel of newly found causes of World War One.

Please contact me at donaldconrad21at yahoo dot com.



Donald Britton Conrad:

BS in Social Science, MA in History, MS in Counseling Psychology, Fellow of the British Gemmological Association Retired, Korean Conflict Veteran.

Published Several articles about World War War One.

Creator of Website of World War One and Two Veterans Memorials by state and city.

In the Service of God and Evil; A Psychological  Study of the Rise and Fall of Kaiser Wilhelm II



        September 1914/December 1918   


                                         Part 1   


                                   A Time of GRACE        

1.       Willy-Philly Circle. 1888.

2.       French Circle. 1903.

3.       Hentsch-Schornstein Circle. 1905.

4.       Willy’s Cronies Circle. 1905.

5.       Kaiser’s Business Circle. 1905.

6.       Kaiser-Menzel Circle. 1905.

7.       Thornstein Veblen Circle. 1905.

8.       Willy-Nicky Circle. 1905.

9.       The Björkö Circle. 1905.  

10.     Kaiser’s Mediterranean Circle. 1906.

11.     Wilhelm-Theodore Roosevelt Circle. 1909.

12.     The Last Joy-filled “Hoch! Hoch! Hoch! 1913.



                                     Part 2

                                 A Time of DISGRACE

      13. Friedrich von Holstein Circle.

                                            Part 3

                            IN THE SERVICE OF EVIL

      14. Economists meet in England. 1913. 

      15. The Enemy Alliances Plot. 1913

      16. Hapsburg Circle. 1914.

      17. Conspirator's Circle. 1914.

      18. Potsdam Conference. 1914.   

      19. The Ultimation. 1914.

      20. The Servian Response. 1914.

      21. Circle of Deception. 1914.

       22. The Kaiser’s Dream. 1914.

       23. Moltke’s War Circle. 1914.

       24.  Dealing with Indecision. 1914.

       25. Kaiser Meets with General von Kluck. 1914.

       26. Moltke sets up HQ. 1914.

       27. Prittwitz Fails the Test. 1914.

                                         Part 4   

                                 Blood on the Moon 

         28. Der Tag. Von Kluck’s Campaign, Belgium. 16 August 1914.

         29. Von Kluck at Mons. 23 August 1914.

         30. The Fortnight that wasn’t. 1914.

         31. Von Kluck’s Turn. 30 August 1914.

         32. March to the River Marne. 2 September 1914.

         33. Von Kluck crosses the Marne. 6 September 1914.

         34. Battle of the River Ourcq. 7 September 1914.

         35. Hentsch Visits Front Lines. 8 September 1914.

         36. Retreat.

         37. Headlines. 1914-1918.

         38. Broken Circle. 1918.

                                         Part 5

   The End of the Trail

           39. Abdication. 1918.

        40. Flight. 1918.

        41. Epilogue. 1918.





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